The PowerBI June updates just dropped. Another action packed month of updates to the a great BI Product. Here are a couple of things I was excited to see made it into the product this month: Searchable Slicers – For those with lots of data. Really happy to see this […]
Data Links
Over the years I have collected free Data Source links and assembled my favorites. I have collected these from stumbling on them and some from colleagues. Enjoy! Updated 02/25/2017. Data Collectors National Weather Service Data Collector World The World Bank Gapminder United Nations Datasets International Monetary Fund Open Spending CIA World Factbook NOAA/NCEI […]
Table Column Width
Just sharing a simple block of code to find the width of a row in a given table based on DDL used to create the table. This is especially helpful if you are looking to take a table to In-Memory with a row size limitation of 8,000. Just used this for […]
SQL server Recovery Models
There are several means by which SQL Server databases can be recovered. The recovery model set for the individual database determines the types of recoveries that can be performed and the amount of work and space required to protect the data. To understand how database backup works, there must first […]
SSIS Package Configurations with SQL Encryption
This blog post outlines the implementation approach to use SSIS package configurations as a development and deployment best practice. I have written it as a step by step approach as requested by some of my customers for purposes of setting up and configuring Package Configurations for SSIS. Most companies are using Package […]
SQL server 2014 CTP1- Hekaton
Hekaton is the new SQL Server 2014 In-Memory database technology. It is going to change the way we architect databases going forward. Decisions about which data or tables go into memory and which ones will function in the SQL Inter-Op mode. Until we get a ton of detail here is a simple […]
SQL Backup Types and Backup
There are several types of backups to consider when planning a backup strategy. In this post I am going to talk about different backup types and talk through the strategies. The following list summarizes the database backup types: Full Database Backups – A full database backup backs up the whole database. […]
Microsoft ACE OLEDB 16.0 Error
I have had a bunch of questions about the below error. I thought I would add a section to my blog on Errors and Workarounds that I would capture these common requests I get and show the workaround. The below error has shown up while trying to import a Excel 2016 […]
Always On 2014 Enhancements
Recently one of my customer was looking for detailed information on SQL Server AlwaysOn 2014 Enhancements. Below is a good list of product enhancements that I put together listing enhancements in SQL 2014 AlwaysOn from what was available in SQL 2012. If you are looking to install a new version of SQL to […]
National Weather Service Data Collector
As requested by many. I have packaged up the National Weather Service Data Collector Powershell that I demo. This is a project I built with my son over a weekend last year as he is learning SQL and we both like data so we decided to build our own weather station collector. […]