Data Links

Over the years I have collected free Data Source links and assembled my favorites. I have collected these from stumbling on them and some from colleagues. Enjoy! Updated 02/25/2017. Data Collectors National Weather Service Data Collector World The World Bank Gapminder United Nations Datasets International Monetary Fund Open Spending CIA World Factbook NOAA/NCEI […]

SQL server Recovery Models

There are several means by which SQL Server databases can be recovered. The recovery model set for the individual database determines the types of recoveries that can be performed and the amount of work and space required to protect the data. To understand how database backup works, there must first […]

SQL Backup Types and Backup

There are several types of backups to consider when planning a backup strategy. In this post I am going to talk about different backup types and talk through the strategies. The following list summarizes the database backup types: Full Database Backups – A full database backup backs up the whole database. […]